
David Milne & Duncan McPherson

David Milne lived in Uxbridge then and I occasionally played with his son David. David's mother tried to repay some kindness showed by another schoolmate's mother by offering her one of David's oil paintings. The mother handed it back sniffing "I wouldn't hang that in the house.'

Dr. Carl and Sheila Puterbough were dear friends of our family too. Carl made the mistake of turning down an offer of a painting for some dental work from David Milne too.

Later Duncan Macpherson moved to town. My dad told me a story about sitting with Duncan and David Milne on the train to Toronto. Somewhere near Stouffville David pointed out the window and remarked what a beautiful green this haystack was.   

Duncan said he was crazy that haystack was red. 

Dad said he didn't say anything but that haystack sure looked yellow to him

Duncan was a wild man. He was banned for life from the Uxbridge Legion at least 3 times.

One time he took my mother to the Stouffville Sales Barn auction to buy some garden tools. Duncan bid and got a huge box of garden tools for a dollar. There was  an axe, a shovel, a rake, and a hoe even.  but that came with a dozen or so old cellar window screens. As they carried them to the car Mother asked Duncan what she was going to do with all the screens. Don't you know anything? says Duncan as opened the nearest car door and threw them in the back seat and walked away.


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